• Book Club

    Book Discussion: The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware

    The Turn of the Key was a great book! I listened to it on Audible, which always makes books set in the UK more enjoyable. This book gets four stars from me! I thought it was great although I do have some questions about plausibility, but that might just mean I wasn’t listening enough. The only reason it does not earn five stars is because it isn’t a story I’m going to think about too much in the future. I will remember how it made me feel because I was so shocked to realize the story wasn’t about what I thought it was about! So maybe a 4.5. Discussion These…

  • house and family made of paper amid foliage

    Military Home Buying Tips with Cassondra McAnally

    If you’re like me, you had no idea military families bought homes given the frequency they move. I was surprised to learn that military families bought homes all the time! Some of us think about home buying as a one-time thing, but if a house can be bought, it can be sold, and in military communities, there is a lot of activity on both sides. I sat down with Fayetteville/Fort Bragg area realtor and Army wife, Cassondra McAnally, to talk about home-buying for military families. I came away realizing home-buying does not have to be so long term, not just for when you don’t plan on moving again. Even though…

  • woman lying on couch with feather duster

    It’s Okay to Be a Housewife

    Many military spouses are stay-at-home-wives. For some of us, that’s perfect, but for others, it can be a source of frustration or judgement. Before we discuss that, I’ll set the stage by saying I’m talking about a scenario where the family is financial stable with one income. Not one where the working spouse is struggling to make ends meet, because in that case, all hands should be on deck regardless of what is your heart’s desire. Back to the discussion– There are several reasons we don’t like to be just housewives that have nothing to do with whether or not we like being housewives. We are judging ourselves and each…

  • Book Club

    Book Club: Finding Audrey

    Synopsis “An anxiety disorder disrupts 14-year-old Audrey’s daily life. She has been making slow but steady progress with Dr. Sarah, but when Audrey meets Linus, her brother’s gaming teammate, she is energized. She connects with him. Audrey can talk through her fears with Linus in a way she’s never been able to do with anyone before. As their friendship deepens and her recovery gains momentum, a sweet romantic connection develops, one that helps not just Audrey but also her entire family.” Meet Renelle! As an Army Wife of 11 years, Renelle knows the flow of the military. She has PCS’ed 5 times! She’s made and lost friends; bought and sold…

  • featured image for job finding advice

    9 Tips and Advice For Finding a Job

    One of the greatest sacrifices of a military spouse is a career. Whether it’s the limits of the military lifestyle, or the the limits of the job market at your duty station, moving forward can be hard. The tough part about approaching the job search as a young professional, is knowing what to do. You kind of need a mentor to tell you where to place your energy. In this post we will discuss some lessons I learned from my unemployment once I made it to Fort Bragg. Should You Wait to Find a Job Before You Move? As a person who was unemployed for 14 months, my answer is…

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    Brides,  Wellness

    Jessica Makes Keto Work!

    “We got married, we moved, we partied a lot. Ate a lot of fast food; drank a lot of alcohol. And I picked up smoking along the way.” Jessica Baker was explaining how she gained weight as a newlywed.  I too gained weight after marriage, but it wasn’t from fast food and alcohol; it was food and a new environment. Between both of our reasons is all of us who fall victim to the post-wedding pounds of bliss. On top of those typical experiences, Jessica lived out of a hotel for three months! She ate fast-food for three meals a day as her husband convalesced from a life-threatening condition. As…

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    #wifelife,  life

    “Thank You For Your Service”

    If you were to say, “Thank you for your service” to me, a military spouse, I would say “you’re welcome.” My husband, personally, doesn’t care much for being thanked, probably because he joined the Army for himself. I, on the other hand, wouldn’t have chosen it in a million years. Some women have strong feelings about saying they didn’t serve or that they are not a part of the military as a spouse unless they were active duty or National Guard themselves. They say they aren’t out there risking their lives, and they don’t go to work every day and train.  That’s fair. We are still “civilians” because we didn’t…